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In year school admissions are co-ordinated by Dudley Local Authority. If you would like to apply for a school place at Russells Hall Primary School please contact Dudley School Admissions for an application form on 0300 555 2345 further information is available at the below website:

Admissions Procedure



Where schools are not over subscribed, admission to County Primary Schools is based on the following priorities:-


 1.           Parents will be asked to express first and second preferences for schools. 


2.          Places at schools will be allocated first to those children whose parents have identified the school as their first choice, on the basis of the following priorities:-


                  a] to children for whom the school is the most suitable available school to meet                           either the child’s special educational needs or other medical needs of the child;

        b] to children who have a brother or sister already at the school who will still be                         attending the school at the time of entry;

         c] on the basis of proximity.


 3. Any remaining places after the first preference have been satisfied will be allocated to children whose parents have identified the school as their second preference, applying the system of priorities set out at 2 [a] to [c] above.


4. Any parents not obtaining a school of either their first or second preference will be allocated a place at the nearest school with a place available.


5. Reference to determining priority on the basis of proximity mean that the children in the group being considered are ranked in an order (nearest first determined by the distance measured in a straight line between their home and the school.


 Parents may express a preference for any Primary school, but they are asked to register their child at their first preferred school in the October of the year in which the child becomes three years old.  This requirement is publicised through notices in the local press and posters displayed at Primary schools, Libraries, Post Offices, Health Clinics, other Public Buildings and Nurseries and Playgroups


Registration will be by means of a pupil registration form which will allow parents to express a preference for any Primary school in the Borough.  The Authority does not operate a “first come, first served” system of admissions. 


Registration of a child at a school does not guarantee a place at a particular school, but an appeal procedure has been established to consider any cases where an offer cannot be made of a place at the school preferred by parents.


Where parents exercise this right of appeal, arrangements will be made for them to attend the hearing. The decision of the Appeal Committee will be communicated in writing. Appeals should be made in writing to the




Head of Support Services, Chief Executive’s Department, Council House, Priory Road, Dudley, DY1 1HF.






The school follows the admissions policy and procedure as laid down by the local authority.

Parents can enquire at school at anytime about places for the relevant reception intake and contact details will be retained.

Application forms are generally completed before the end of February, for admission into school in September.  All pupils are now admitted into reception at the beginning of the academic year.  Parents may also complete application forms on-line.

Forms are submitted to the local authority and places are offered by all schools on the same day - usually toward the end of March.  Parents and pupils are then invited into school during the second half of the Summer term to take part in our induction programme.

Parents of pupils wishing to apply for places in school other then into reception, may do so at anytime.  If places are available, parents will be advised and procedures/applications will be explained.

Again this will be in accordance with local authority policies and in liaison with local authority admissions officers.




Parents are invited into the school during the term before the child's official admission. On this occasion, the Early Years curriculum based on Early Learning Goals and general day to day routines are explained. Parents are encouraged to tour the school and see resources and the general standard of work achieved. Information concerning the Foundation Stage Profiling procedures, which will be taking place throughout the reception year, is also shared.     
We also hold a starters' playgroup to give the children the opportunity to meet their class teacher and to give them a taste of school life. 
National Curriculum does not apply to children under five in their first term in school, these children work to elements of the Foundation Stage Profile. This follows Government Guidelines and is presented at six areas of learning. These are: Children working in Reception will be offered lots of high quality practical experiences that will help them to make good progress towards, and where appropriate, beyond the Early Leaning Goals. Well-planned play is a key way in which children learn with enjoyment and challenge during the foundation stage. 
As pupils progress through their time in Reception and as they become ready they are prepared for National Curriculum, this is followed through years one and two culminating in SATs (Standard Assessment Tasks) in the Spring and Summer Terms of Year 2. These are not purely written examinations and will be fully discussed/explained at our termly Parents Evenings.

  • Physical development
  • Creative development
  • Mathematics
  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Language, literacy and communication
  • Knowledge and understanding of the world 

Guidelines and is presented at six areas of learning. These are: Children working in Reception will be offered lots of high quality practical experiences that will help them to make good progress towards, and where appropriate, beyond the Early Leaning Goals. Well-planned play is a key way in which children learn with enjoyment and challenge during the foundation stage. 
As pupils progress through their time in Reception and as they become ready they are prepared for National Curriculum, this is followed through years one and two culminating in SATs (Standard Assessment Tasks) in the Spring and Summer Terms of Year 2. These are not purely written examinations and will be fully discussed/explained at our termly Parents Evenings.  

  • Citrine 18,996
  • Emerald 22,194
  • Ruby 20,619
  • Sapphire 21,941