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We Aim to: 


* Promote equality of opportunity for all pupils and staff 


* Ensure that everyone will experience an inclusive education where discrimination on the grounds of race, sexual orientation, gender or disability is actively challenged, and tolerance & understanding promoted 


* Meet children’s individual and collective needs 


* Provide a stimulating, secure and nurturing environment 


* Promote an ethos that is highly motivating and encourages all to take responsibility for their own learning 


* Provide an environment where we feel secure, valued, respected and understood


* Encourage all to have a positive self-image, high self-esteem and increasing confidence


* Provide an environment which encourages active learning, investigation, creativity and challenge


* Value and celebrate the richness and diversity of cultures and beliefs in our community


* Celebrate achievement, attainment and progress in all areas of development


* Display high standards of good manners and politeness at all times


* Encourage all to have a sense of responsibility for themselves, for each other and for their environment.

  • Citrine 5,394
  • Emerald 4,856
  • Ruby 5,547
  • Sapphire 4,856