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Behaviour at Russells Hall Primary School

The Russell’s Hall Way

At Russells Hall we have a restorative approach to behaviour management and our approach is based on three clear rules:



Be Ready

Be Respectful

Be Safe


We teach and model the behaviour that we want to see in our school; our aim is to create a culture where
exceptional behaviour is expected: for learning and for life. All staff are trained to use the Pivotal approach
which has
is underpinned by the five ‘Pillars of Pivotal Practice’. These are:

· Consistent, calm adult behaviour

· First attention to best conduct

· Relentless routines

· Scripting difficult interventions

· Restorative follow up



Recognition and Reward

At Russells Hall, we recognise, value and reward exceptional behaviour. We notice pupils who go ‘over and above’ our expectations. We reward sincerely through positive recognition, giving attention to those doing the right things and taking the fame out of bad behaviour. Ways that we will recognise exceptional behaviour:


· Public praise

· A quiet word

· House-points

· A message home (a call or via Tapestry)

· Recognition Boards

· Celebration Newsletters

· Assemblies


Our RUSSELL’S HALL BEHAVIOUR BLUEPRINT is on display in every classroom and is available to read here:

For more information, our full Behaviour Policy can be accessed here:

  • Citrine 77,463
  • Emerald 88,605
  • Ruby 79,158
  • Sapphire 79,136